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3 Signs Your Business Needs .NET modernisation and support


.NET modernisation and migration are powerful tools for expanding and accelerating your business strategies, processes, and systems. With .NET, you have an easy, quick, and cost-effective way to upgrade critical tools, make systems more accessible, eliminate system and financial risks, and secure your operations & sensitive data -- all without having to undergo extensive downtime or having to invest in rooms full of physical hardware or infrastructure.

But how do I know my business needs .NET modernisation or .NET migration? Here are three clear signs that .NET modernisation is the ideal choice for your business future.


1) Your business relies on physical infrastructure, siloed teams, or multifactor systems

Modern business needs to keep up with the times. Mountains of paperwork, physical documentation needs, servers & on-site storage or terminals that chain your employees to one space – these things get in the way of an agile, competitive business strategy.

And it’s not just paperwork and repetitive processes that bog you down. If you have separated teams, siloed systems, and processes that aren’t securely linked and communicating, your organisation takes longer to do what it needs to do

Worse yet, these multi-part, outmoded systems are at a greater risk to malicious actors and multifactor cyber attacks. According to a report from DLA Piper, 2021 saw a 50% increase in Cyber Attacks on Corporate Networks, with Ireland having one of the highest rages of data breaches in the EU.

Woman in balaclava using laptop in the office

.NET upgrades free up your team from these outdated organisation designs and vulnerable systems: .NET modernisation helps to eliminate paper-based, manual, and repetitive processes, while .NET migration and hosting services secures your operations and critical data with modern, encrypted, and controlled cloud technologies that allow your systems and data to be accessible around the clock and around the world to your personnel who need them most.

Finally, these broad .NET changes guarantee that your operations can run accurately and in full compliance with data & other regulations. Highly regulated fields like taxation, finances, banking, and government services require organisations to handle data responsibly, and with low margins for error; Modernisation and migration help businesses to meet these strict demands.

2) Your business has old software, hardware, or legacy systems that you cannot survive without

Legacy software and systems are widespread and common for a reason: they are highly effective at what they do.

Or at least, they used to be.

Today – often years down the line – legacy systems demonstrate their risks and tendency to slow down, hinder, or delay key business processes. The simplest reason for this is their age and poor performance compared to modern tech and solutions: over time, your top-end customised system falls behind even middle-rung alternatives, as it gets overtaken by tools and new tech that can get your businesses work done faster and more easily.

What’s more, those old systems require your new employees to undergo intensive training to use them, and expensive, hard-to-find technicians to maintain them. In 2021, the average cost of legacy systems maintenance for large organisations was estimated to be around €252 million. On average, even simple maintenance of these legacy systems can take up to 75% of your entire IT budget, and cost 4 times as much to maintain as they were to purchase.

Worse, the severe fallout of these systems failing can irreparably damage a business’s operations and reputation: in one notorious example in 2012, over 16 million customers at three of Scotland’s largest banks out of their accounts for four days.

Upgrading, modernising, or migrating your legacy systems with a .NET framework or cloud-based solution avoids these costs and risks entirely, lowering the overall cost of ownership and maintenance of your organisation, and eliminating the risk of outdated systems suffering critical failures and outages.

3) Your business has repetitive processes or mountains of sensitive/business data

Every day the modern business generates mountains of data. This data isn’t just valuable to you – as it holds million-euro insights to faster operations, more efficient processes, and improves sales or new market opportunities; it’s also valuable to malicious actors, hackers, and people who would profit greatly from accessing your critical data.

In 2020, the average cost of data breaches to businesses was €3.72 million. What’s more, businesses lost on average €1.39 million in business opportunities and contracts due to system failures and breaches in 2021.

data is a powerful business tool that data analytics can turn into better systems and profits.

These business-wrecking risks make it clear that every organisation needs a modern and smart two-pronged data strategy: to process, store, analyse and understand your critical business data, and to ensure that it’s secure and breach-proof at all stages of the data lifecycle.

.NET migration and modernisation meets both of these needs, thanks to best-in-class Information Intelligence practices and the latest in secure .NET & Azure services.


What are examples of great .NET projects? 

Since 2004, our .NET modernisation, migration, and support solutions have been implemented in some of the largest government and public sector organisations in Ireland.

In Dublin, our Pathway Accommodations Support Services (PASS) cloud-based case management platform accelerated collaboration between over 80 government agencies and NGO's, increasing bed efficiency to 99% and streamlines better and more effective homelessness services across Ireland.

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Nationally, our work with the National Transport Authority integrated seamlessly into their existing finance portal to unlock 24/7 automated reporting, improved top-down project management, and faster payment approval times (saving 3 days of labour on complex expenditure reports) to finances teams for over €700m in NTA Capital Grants annually through the Project Reporting System.

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Are you thinking about how .NET upgrades might be able to streamline your organisation processes, secure your data and services, and bring a high level of business-oriented automation to your bottom line? 

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