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Dublin City Council's PASS Upgrade helps deliver better national services to the homeless


PASS is an online shared system utilised by every homeless service provider, such as voluntary organisations, Approved Housing Bodies as well as all local authorities in Ireland, that provides real-time information in terms of homeless presentation and bed occupancy across the country.  

Following a recent modernisation upgrade to the system, case workers who access the system, are now better equipped to provide faster, more effective, and secure means of delivering, monitoring, and improving their crucial public service. 

Having partnered with Dublin City Council and Dublin Region Housing Executive to manage the development of the PASS system for almost 10 years, we were tremendously proud of being selected as partners once again to manage the upgrade to the system.  The Pathway Accommodation and Support System (PASS) developed by Dublin City Council (DCC) and the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive (DRHE)connectlocal authorities, Approved Housing Bodies & voluntary organisations with access to booking emergency accommodation for homeless people across Ireland.   

Some of the key benefits of the upgraded PASS platform include: 

  • elimination of paper-based and manual processes. The system is now fully digital, allowing for a more cohesive pathway in the assessment process.  
  • more advanced security features, including digital security, data protection features, and two-factor authentication for registered users 
  • intuitive and supports a high level of case worker/applicant self-service  
  • more reliable and dependable, with greater load-management to prevent system failures during periods of heavy use.