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HR KPIs and How To Accelerate Them Through Automation


KPIs. You and thousands of other HR Leaders know them well. They're the secret to better, more effective work environments. However, they're also the key to your digital transformation, and to implementing new systems and automated processes that put the human first in your modern workplace. In this blog, we'll show you how.

The world is changing, and so is HR. Following the fallout of the last two years, and as the new challenges of a totally different world of work shift and expand what HR professionals are expected to deliver, how do HR leaders ensure they can keep delivering HR excellence to both workers and their bosses?

Well, it's relatively simple:

1) Know what you do, and what you need to excel at 

2) Make it faster, simpler, cheaper, or more efficient to do those things. 

If you're looking to find things that you can do to make your HR department slicker and more optimised, you should start at your most important baseline: your KPIs.


HR'S Most Valuable Key Performance Indicators in 2022

If you work in HR, KPIs are your bread and butter. These benchmarks determine what progress you're making towards important objectives, your department efficiency, and you workforce’s effectiveness and stability.

The most important KPIs for HR professionals include:

  • Productivity
  • Return on investment
  • Employee Retention
  • Duration of employee posts
  • Employee dismissal rate
  • Average time for recruitment
  • Average cost of recruitment 
  • Employee productivity
  • Employee satisfaction & retention
  • Overtime hours
  • Turnover
  • Incidents
  • Absenteeism
  • Satisfaction
  • Skills & competence

So, how do you make all of these critical objectives easier, cheaper, and faster to complete? 

Easy: with HR Automation and Robotic Process Automation solutions. 


So, What HR Processes Can Be Automated Easily?


When it comes to automating HR processes, there isn't much that modern automation solutions can't do. The power, flexibility, and interconnectedness of things like the Microsoft Power Platform, Power Automate, and Dynamics 365 CRM, along with things like Power BI and Power Apps (and their integrated libraries of thousands of data connectors) mean that almost anything that needs to be done in an HR department can be done through smart assistance, automated workflows, automatic triggers, or robotic processes. 

HR robotic process automation can accelerate and streamline many specific common HR and Healthcare tasks, such as: 

  • Recruitment, CV screening, onboarding, on-the-job-training, Employee Induction & Training, performance management, and exit management – automation solves all phases of the employee life cycle. 
  • Payroll Processing, and Expense & Finances Management
  • Skills & training management. 
  • Statutory annual registrations. 
  • Tracking the continuous professional development of the workforce.
  • Registration and education management. 
  • Resource or post application and allocation. 
  • Rewards, recognition, KPI tracking, and other such retention tools.
  • New systems and approaches that aim to be paperless and digital-first.
  • Most HR processes occurring in an environment without existing HR systems.
  • Ongoing support/casework for all service users.
  • Connecting previously siloed or separated departments, unifying data access, and accelerating collaboration in multi-team, multi-agency organisations, or those with multiple HR Systems.

Find Out How RPA Does This With A Personal Expert Consultation

Turning your KPIs and business objectives into real systems that deliver greater efficiency, performance, and human-friendliness is the heart of OpenSky's automation philosophy.

Using our expertise in digital transformation and automation, we'll help you figure how to build systems that eliminate stress and repetitive, boring, busywork from your day to create better, human-first spaces where you can focus on your critical work and personnel -- in just 30 minutes.

Book A Complimentary 30min HR RPA Consultation


Knowing what your most KPIs are and how they fit in with automation is one thing; figuring out exactly which work and processes RPA and HR automation software can take off your to-do list is another. In our next article, we'll give you an in-depth, specific, item-by-item breakdown of the most critical HR processes and work that can be automated easily, and how you'd automate them. Follow our blog or sign up for our newsletter to catch this upcoming article as soon as it's out.