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The QA-BA Bridge: Rosarie's Seamless Transition in Tech



During a recent interview, we had the pleasure of speaking with Rosarie, one of our talented Business Analysts at OpenSky. Rosarie shared her inspiring journey, transitioning from a Quality Assurance (QA) role to becoming a successful Business Analyst (BA) in the tech industry. We delved into her motivations for entering the tech industry, her experiences as a woman working in a male-dominated field, and her favorite aspects of her role at OpenSky. Rosarie's journey serves as a testament to the possibilities of growth and career advancement within the ever-evolving world of technology.




Tell us about your early career and aspirations?

Throughout my life, technology has played a significant role in shaping my career. It all began in Cork, where I embarked on my professional journey in the Oil and Mapping industry. Alongside, I nurtured my interest in human resources by pursuing a qualification in HR. However, when the opportunity arose to work with NavTech in the Netherlands, I eagerly embraced the shift towards geo technology. Starting in quality assurance (QA), I honed my skills and eventually transitioned into business analysis (BA) upon returning to Ireland. At AOL, my focus remained on QA, but I also took on BA responsibilities, specialising in backend testing. Despite my successful career path, I chose to temporarily pause my professional pursuits to prioritise the rewarding and challenging experience of raising my children.


What were your first impressions during the interview process with OpenSky?

During my journey with OpenSky, I underwent a thorough selection process comprising two interview stages, which also involved a comprehensive test. To my delight, I was warmly embraced by the team and swiftly entrusted with meaningful assignments. One aspect that truly impressed me about OpenSky is their unwavering support for employees' professional interests. If you demonstrate enthusiasm towards a particular domain, the managers wholeheartedly encourage you to pursue it, fostering a culture of growth and exploration. In the early days of my tenure, I thoroughly enjoyed collaborating with the talented QA team, and even now, I maintain close collaboration with them, leveraging our collective expertise to deliver exceptional outcomes. 


The collaborative and nurturing environment at OpenSky has been instrumental in fostering my growth and fostering a strong sense of teamwork.


What has been your experience as a woman working in the tech industry?

My experience as a woman working in the tech industry closely resembles my encounters in other male-dominated fields throughout my professional journey. However, I have come to realise that the gender dynamics become inconsequential when you have supportive and exceptional colleagues by your side. I consider myself fortunate to have had outstanding female mentors both in my career as a whole and specifically at OpenSky, including the former head of the Digital Services department, who have consistently provided invaluable support. The presence of strong mentors, many of whom happened to be women, has been a constant and enriching aspect of my journey. Due to the underrepresentation of women in IT, there exists a sense of camaraderie where we watch out for one another and offer substantial support. Notably, I have observed a higher representation of women in QA, which is encouraging. Working alongside my remarkable female colleagues at OpenSky has been truly fulfilling, as we genuinely uplift and assist one another. I wholeheartedly encourage more women to pursue careers in IT, although I am still working on convincing my daughters to join the field.


What are your favourite aspects of your role at OpenSky?

There are several aspects of my role that bring me fulfillment. Firstly, as a business analyst, there is a genuine satisfaction in witnessing the realisation of my client's vision and observing the impact of my work when I interact with systems. Additionally, I thoroughly enjoy the direct engagement with customers and the involvement in projects that have a tangible and meaningful impact, such as the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit and the collaboration with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth in facilitating accommodation for Ukrainian refugees. Lastly, the camaraderie and support from my colleagues play a significant role in enhancing my job satisfaction.


Do you believe that candidates beginning their careers or currently working in QA, could aspire tp become Business Analysts?

Absolutely!  Business analysis and QA are highly complementary roles. The skills I acquired in QA are incredibly relevant to what I do now. Both roles involve significant customer interaction, training, and testing, which helps onboard users effectively. QA professionals should definitely consider the possibility of transitioning into business analysis and bring their skills and experience to bear in each role.


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